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SCUBA Diving
06-20-2010, 02:57 AM,
SCUBA Diving
I don't follow the form much anymore. I am comfortable with wearing and maintaining my hairpiece, and I prefer to get on with my life and concentrate on other things. However, I recently went diving with my hairpiece, and I thought that I would share my experience.

I dove in a hot/humid climate for 5 days. I dove twice each day except for one day when I made 4 dives. I had a professional cut my hair and attach my hair on Friday, and I dove Sunday through Thursday. It is Friday evening and I am still comfortably wearing the same attachment. My barber used the blue tape with holes in it. He cut it to form a complete perimeter for my hairpiece, closely shaved the top of my head, wiped with alcohol, and applied. After the third day, I cut blue boomerang tape (the tape I normally use) into a 1/4 inch width by 1 inch long contour of my front hairline and reattached the front.

I was careful while putting on and taking off my mask, and I made an effort to keep my hair a little wet to reduce the chance of any detection when I was in the wind. I also put a little conditioner in my hair after I rinsed it between dives. Additionally, I was comfortable and I looked sharp on the boat, at the cafe, at the parties, etc.

Overall, it was very low drama.

Also, I could have easily attached the hair myself and been just as successful. I only had a professional do it because I needed a haircut anyway.

Don't let your hair piece decide what you are going to do or not do!!!!!

06-20-2010, 12:19 PM,
RE: SCUBA Diving

"Don't let your hair piece decide what you are going to do or not do!!!!!"

Truer words were never spoken. Thanks for that post.
01-04-2013, 12:41 AM,
RE: SCUBA Diving
Hi all,
Just to reiterate the points mate in this old post.
Over the holidays I completed my full open-water dive course.

Before I left for the trip I did a full head bond, and over the course of the week had very little problems.

Obviously the hair floats around quite a bit, however everyone is too busy concentrating on other things that to notice your hair line and generally you are only underwater for 42 minutes max.

For the close-up action, with the instructor less than a metre away in a swimming pool, they also seemed not to notice.

That said....I wouldn't trust tape alone.

So... if anyone out there is considering your SCUBA Open Water and are hesitant... do the full head bond and go for it..

Alternatively.... the other 100% solution is to buy a diving cap before you leave then you'll have no problems

01-04-2013, 11:43 AM,
RE: SCUBA Diving
Obviously the hair floats around quite a bit

what do you mean by that? i know longish hair of course will float around in the water, like say a woman with long hair, her hair will float up around her head or behind her while swimming.
but your wording seems to indicate the system actually moving around?
01-05-2013, 08:23 AM,
RE: SCUBA Diving
This is a great product that use can use like a styling gel/cream.
I always use this when scuba diving,swimming or generally at the beach or pool.
It really does offer great protection for your hair in those harsh environments.
I also have to echo the above post regarding a full head bond.

01-05-2013, 07:40 PM,
RE: SCUBA Diving
Was the blue tape with holes extendabond? Everyone seems to love that tape.
01-06-2013, 11:45 AM,
RE: SCUBA Diving

Sorry.. When I meant 'it floats around'- i meant my hair was standing/floating vertically. My fiance (because she knows I wear a unit), said in good water visibility (6 - 10 metres, full sunlight) she noticed my real hear was floating a little differently to that of the unit. She said no one would ever notice as the goggle / mask strap was covering the line between unit and my natural hair and holding it all in place nicely.

Just to confirm, during the entire 13 dives I did (course, plus a few extras) the unit did not move at all (with a full cap adhesive the day before the 5 day course)

I'll make sure I am more clear Wink


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