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Some Glue Issue And Advice Needed
12-01-2012, 08:17 PM,
Some Glue Issue And Advice Needed
I'm using TopLace Base and i'm very happy.
because i didn't had the right tools at home i had to go to a saloon here in israel to take the unit off cleaning it and put it back on.
But tell you the true i all ways think i can do a better job.
As the time pass i understood that for the best looking unit and natural look i need to take it off every once a week (for perfect hairline) and replace the glue and the tapes.
So today i'm in the point i want to star this process and from the moment i will get my new unit i want to start do it by myself so i want to prepare to that moment and this is why i'm asking this question ...So what is the question? Smile here it is :

1. I ordered the TL150 to get the perfect hairline but also to make it easy to attach and remove. As i told you i want to remove it every week to every 2 weeks (14 days is the best but i don't care to do it every 7 days ). I want to use tape for the poly section (tell me if i'm wrong ) and glue for the lace .
Please - Tell me what is the Best Glue and Best Tapes from your experience that i can buy?

2. My second problem is to take the glue off the system when i want to replace it . it always a very hard job and there's glue staying on it .
Is there a way to totally clean the lace front ? i have some utilities to do it but i never take it off completely. so how do you do it?

3. after i take it off the it is very easy to glue back the poly section (back and sides) but to glue the front lace in the perfect line it is very hard - first of all how do you do it ? first the lace and than the sides and back? or the opposite first the back and sides and than the lace front ? also how to mark the line in the front ? to make it perfect?

4. to keep it for the best for 4 month what is your advice ? what is the best mask to use? or shampoo ?

5. Is there any thing i need to have at home besides the : lace glue + poly tapes ? lace removal ? cleaning utility ?

thanks for your help ....can't wait to get answered
12-03-2012, 09:47 PM,
RE: Some Glue Issue And Advice Needed
It`s not possible to tell any person what will/won`t work for them when it comes to bonding materials. I have covered it in this recent post/thread http://forum.toplace.com/showthread.php?...ight=glues and there are many other threads in a similar vein here :
You live in a hot climate--that will have a big influence on bonding materials and how frequently you will have to debond and clean. Removal whilst the bond is still relatively ` good` will avoid a more messy clean-up...leaving a bond in place too long leads to the materials becoming unstable and ending up going into a gooey mess [hard to clean off the lace then] Hersute recommends soaking the system in Autoglym on such occasions, as you can see on his posts in the link there.Personally, I prefer to avoid having to do it in the first place, by replacing / renewing a bond regularly..that way, there is little if any residues stuck in the lace--but that`s just me...everyone has their own preference.
I don`t understand your actual issue at [3] in your post --what is the problem with the hairline ?
It`s a matter of personal preference on which part you attach first--- when I wore toppers, I always applied 2 small bits of tape at each temple-point, having first get a ` start` on the backing-paper by peeling them back slightly[for ease of removal when ready]... I then sat the system onto my head, positioned it correctly, then ` anchored` it on by peeling the papers off my 2 ` anchor-points`.... that prevents it slipping about on the head. You can simply mark your skin at the front-edge by pressing the teeth of a comb against the skin, or drawing something blunt like the plastic cover / cap of a pen across the skin--the mark will stay visible for quite a while and you can fold your system back and apply your glue inside that line...at least 2 thin coats, and you MUST allow each one to go almost dry---NEVER EVER press lace down onto wet glue . Fold your front lace down onto the glue, evenly and you should have no ripples or uneven bits. Then fold the back of the system forward onto the front bit and apply your glue to your scalp there in the same way........you`ll need to sit in front of a large mirror and use a hand-held mirror to see the back..it can be tricky until you get used to it------ or you can simply use tape/s on the poly there if you prefer ---if using tapes, just apply them to the poly before positioning it onto your head.
You need to use system-friendly shampoo / conditioner..any of the supplies-sites sell them.
I only shampoo my hair very infrequently....I do obviously clean my base by applying shampoo to it whilst it`s off my head..I just lather it on and rinse it off almost immediately......... hair is not `` dirty`` --it`s dry and lacking oils/lubricants..... a good daily leave-in conditioner applied to damp hair will help make the system ` last` longer. I use PPI Enhance [Google it for suppliers] as it also has sunscreen in it....it`s the only product I use----again....that`s just what works for me....plastering-on all types of gels, waxes and pomades leads to build-up and thus frequent shampooing/removal..that then lifts the colour and takes the ` condition` out of the hair.....
You need lace-release to free your system from your head, then Glue-melter [alcohol] to deal with residue on your scalp and /or lace...more stubborn residue needs stronger removal-products like the citrus-based C-22 which is an actual Solvent.
There`s a search-bar at the bottom of the threads -page...enter key-words there and most if not all your questions will be narrowed-down/answered.
12-09-2012, 08:52 AM,
RE: Some Glue Issue And Advice Needed
To get glue off the base, use bubble wrap. I buy a big roll of the stuff every month or so. I cut a strip, wrap it around a magazine. And then slide the piece down it, after using one or two sheets...all the glue has stuck to the bubble wrap. Its brilliant, much better than mirror slide. I then use a citrus solvent remover, spray the base alot, and then let it soak in water for about 30mins, then shampoo, and I'm ready to go for another week.

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