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Whhyy me?
08-30-2009, 06:59 PM,
Whhyy me?
Everyday I wake up and I find hair on my pillow, in between the pages of my college textbooks, on the floor, in the bathroom, and even in my food. I was training today for wrestling (MMA) and the other guy kept spitting while we were on the ground. After the match, he mentioned he kept having hair in his mouth. He said, "it's probably mine." I was too ashamed to say anything. I didn't even go out to the bar afterwards. I stayed home, alone, and took a shower. Depressed I stood there as I watched my drain start to clog up with MY HAIR. I'm a grown ass man. I couldn't help it but I started to cry. I'm so ashamed to even admit this here. I'm a weak pathetic man.
08-30-2009, 07:18 PM,
Re: Whhyy me?
Malfred mate

TRUST ME, i know EXACTLY how you feel, back years ago when i was thinning badly, i would hide in my cupboard when guests came over so they woulsnt notice my thinning hair.

I had NOTHING to lose, so i eventually found toplace and ordered, worked hard on making it work for me, and i am really happy, as are many other wearers. The results can be quite amazing, with a little effort, and a good attitude mate.

You got nothing to lose.

Order it and see. It may change your life.

08-30-2009, 08:12 PM,
Re: Whhyy me?
I know exactly how that feels man. It sucks so bad. Im in university and I made the switch yesterday. Just don't let it get too bad or wait to long to make the switch if this is what you choose to do. I have hung out with all my closest buddies and they had no clue. I used concealers before to hide it. Hair systems aren't perfect as I just spent an hour re gluing lace that lifted in the back, but they are a pretty damn good solution (so far). Hair loss sucks so bad. If you don't like it, do something about it. You'll be happy you did. I know I am.
08-30-2009, 08:34 PM,
Re: Whhyy me?
I feel your pain buddy, as does everyone on this site, I'm sure.

I remember when I first realized I was going bald, there was a period of a few days after the initial realization when I was virtually suicidal about it - being in my early 20's I felt that I was being robbed of my youth and my life was over. As I sit here typing this, it hits home how stupid I was being but I think we've all felt like that to an extent at one time or another.

The key is to educate yourself in what you can do about your hairloss, which you already seem to be doing.
08-30-2009, 11:07 PM,
Re: Whhyy me?
i know what youre going through, i'm there now. 44, a youthfull 44 i look 34.
i use Nanofibres nanogen ,i'll post up a pic.
honestly nano fibres changed my life (really) im not a salesman, im just a user of the above product.
i woudnt have known about it if my sister hadnt seen it on one of thease beauty t.v channels.
it transforms you instantly m8,but youve got to know how to use it.
it can buy you time while youre using hair regrowth treatments.
i only use it on my front as i'v got a bitt of hair still at the back, crown and sides(sides not affected by (mpb)
and no one knows,really.
but my hairs getting worse at the frontal region so i'm looking into a hair system
**my directions tipps for using ***
i use hairspray. i lift my frontal hair and push it forward, create a mesh with the hairspray.once the hair is hard i tapp nanogens onto it,then tapp the hair so the nano fibres fall naturally through the hair.
then apply more hairspray to hol and clean up any mess and youre done
i m researching other products , i'm using finistride tabs 1 a day.
but none of thease will work without one magic component every hair loss sufferer should have in there bathroom.
(asenal of weapons against hair loss.)
*****nizoral shampoo****
You wont succeed without Nizoral. Sound like an exaggeration? It's not. Treating hair loss is a pretty complex process. This aspect is simple. Everyone needs Nizoral shampoo. Without it, no proven treatment will work as well it should. With it, you may not even need to begin treatments so soon. The point of this page is simple: Nizoral shampoo needs to be in the shower of every person seeking to stop their thinning hair.

regards anty
hope weeve helped :roll:
08-31-2009, 09:01 AM,
Re: Whhyy me?
The consealers like nanogen or toppix is okay, but the worst is when it rains or if you sweat. You'll have the dye running down the side of your head. Kinda stressful.

All the hair regrowth pills only will grow peach fuzz in your crown area. It won't regrow frontal hairline at all. So if you have a small bald spot, it might grow in a little more peach fuzz hair so that it fills in, but don't expect it to grow anywhere else or be any high quality hair.

I remember being 19 and 20 in college and people thinking I was in my late 20s returning to college. That really was a wake up call for me. I remember I had a girl who was a partner in one of my classes. We got to be good friends and would talk openly about life. She told me that I was a nice guy and good looking, but what was holding me back with the ladies was the fact I looked alot older than I was because of my hair loss. That really made me decide to fix the problem.

So don't stress bro. Just figure out what needs to be done to fix the problem. Whether it be shaving your head, getting a hairpiece, or whatever it may be.
08-31-2009, 09:56 AM,
Re: Whhyy me?
malfred Wrote:Everyday I wake up and I find hair on my pillow, in between the pages of my college textbooks, on the floor, in the bathroom, and even in my food. I was training today for wrestling (MMA) and the other guy kept spitting while we were on the ground. After the match, he mentioned he kept having hair in his mouth. He said, "it's probably mine." I was too ashamed to say anything. I didn't even go out to the bar afterwards. I stayed home, alone, and took a shower. Depressed I stood there as I watched my drain start to clog up with MY HAIR. I'm a grown ass man. I couldn't help it but I started to cry. I'm so ashamed to even admit this here. I'm a weak pathetic man.

You ask why me ? I ask why not you ? Are you expected to be excused from things that can and will happen in life ? The problem aint the hair mate its you, You need to get some bottle and dont let it get you down , It is just a very small problem in the grand scheme of life and crying about it ? Come on fella get a grip.

Look mate try and get to my convention in October I can assure you, You will get all the help and support you need, And you will look back at that day a laugh and say to yourself "what a plonker"

Dont despair mate we will help you all the way and you can quote me.
08-31-2009, 11:07 AM,
Re: Whhyy me?
I know exactly how you feel mate but theres a saying which goes by in life you play with the cards you're dealt with. In the face of adversity we're not suppose to be weak we're suppose to take action. I did that by making financial sacrifices to wear hair (i'm a student whos still teenager). And instead of being pathetic you're suppose to do the same. Wearing is not for everyone but its helped thousands and thousands of us regain our confidence and look better. I'm not no salesmen for toplace i'm just a customer so take it from me you owe it to yourself to try this route mate it might help.

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